What is spread in commodity trading?
Spread in commodity trading is the difference between the buy and sell price of the commodity. A commodity can be traded by taking simultaneous long/short positions depending on the current market conditions.
How to calculate return on commodity spread trades?
The return on commodity spread trades is calculated by taking the difference between the price you purchased the commodity at and the price you are selling it at. For example, you traded a commodity at the buying price of $100 and are now selling it at $130, the return on the commodity is then $130-$100 = $30.
What commodities are traded?
Crude oil, silver, gold, and natural gas are just some of the many commodities that are highly traded globally in the commodities market.
How to calculate profit on commodities futures spread trade?
You can calculate the profit on commodities futures spread by multiplying the $ value of a single price move in the commodity by the total number of price moves in the futures contract since the date of your purchase.
What are the basic commodities?
The basic commodities in the commodities market include precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum, energy like natural gas and crude oil, agricultural products like wheat, cotton, sugar, and metals like copper, lead, zinc, and more.
How are commodities traded?
The most common way of trading commodities is through futures and CFDs on a trading exchange platform. Buying a contract for difference for commodities allows you to enter the market with leverage and significantly less capital.
What are the top 5 commodities in the world?
Crude oil, gold, silver, platinum, and even coffee are considered as the top 5 commodities in the world in the commodities market.